Sr Serena S. W. Lau - Managing Director
Sr Serena Lau, our Manager Director, began her career at the Valuation Department of Commonwealth Bank of Australia in Sydney, Australia in the late 80s. She joined RHL International in 1992 and initially focused on handling compulsory acquisition and resumptions cases. She is also involved in asset valuation for IPO purposes.
From the mid-90s, Sr Lau also participated in asset valuation, project feasibility and market studies, as well as marketing and sales of Mainland properties. She was also responsible for setting up various wholly-owned and Sino-joint venture real estate consultancy firms in mainland China. During this period, she was also involved in staff training and technical support for local setups.
In the late 90s, Sr Lau frequently acted as auctioneer, mainly on behalf of mortgagors, to dispose of a large number of Hong Kong properties.
Sr Lau gained significant experience through advising the planning, development and operation of a resort/theme park in Kun Shan, Jiangsu Province. She also provided sustainability assessments as well as advice on the planning and development of district-scaled projects for local governments and real estate developers on the Mainland.
Sr Lau is now responsible for valuation of special/complex projects/properties, district-based/project-based property market research, and economic and financial assessment for projects located in Hong Kong, the Mainland and overseas. She is also responsible for the Group’s business development, and establishing alliances and networking with international and Mainland counterparts.